About Rebecca Muller

Rebecca in Prague

Rebecca in Prague

Rebecca Muller has lived and worked in Western Massachusetts for 40 years. She is currently a member of Gallery A3, in Amherst, MA, and  shows her work in individual and group shows in community and university galleries throughout the Pioneer Valley and Massachusetts over the past 35 years.  She studied painting and drawing at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, (evening school), Boston, MA and received an MFA in Sculpture from UMass Amherst in 1990.

Over the years a repository of material has presented itself to me: mesh – wire, cloth, plastic; eroded metal; organic matter that leaps into my hand. Material that is at once man-made and now with a geometry broken by weather and time – a metaphor for being.

In this cluster of work circles keep presenting. So I follow them seeking an algorithm – some logical sequence – that informs my perception of where I stand.

For a number of years, I’ve had an art and meditation practice that accompanies each day.  It form the backdrop – the mesh – of my day. Here is a passage from the Tao Te Ching that I carry with me:

look inside your heart: And keep looking. Keep listening, too, until the sight and the sounds disappear by themselves.